I have a favorite fork.
A back up fork.
And lots of other forks that disappointment me every single time I pull them out of the drawer.
I was raised right: when I have company, I let my guest use my favorite fork ... but I secretly want it for myself.
I also have a favorite kind of pen to use.
I hate using other types of pens.
And yet, a couple weeks ago, I cleaned out my office and cleaned out my book bags and cleaned out my purses and I had more than 100 pens.
My sister has a legitimate pen collection.
She collects floaty pens.
In the process of buying her pens when I've been out an about, I have also picked some up for myself.
I don't like using them, they are not good pens.
I have an Alamo pen and a Liberace pen and a roaming buffalo pen.
I also have the sperm meets egg pen from my sister's baby shower.
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